Jodie from The Good Wedding Company was after a fresh new look for her business, The Good Wedding Company. Based in Wanaka, and working with couples getting married in Queenstown & Wanaka, The Good Wedding Company is a collective of wedding and videography professionals who love what they do.
The existing website had been live for a few years, and it was time for a refresh. The company also wanted a new look and feel to prepare for when the borders open again, and brides & grooms from around the world, start looking at Wanaka & Queenstown for their destination wedding.
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To start the project we created a new brand board with revised typography and colours that would be used on the new website. The fonts chosen were Jost and Poppins. Jost provides a crisp, clean and sophisticated look to the website, and is used in light weights only. Poppins was introduced to be used for bold, highlight text, as it has nice, classic styling and rounded, clean letter forms.
The colour palette was a mix of warm, chocolatey browns and khaki greens. We wanted to differentiate the website from other wedding photography websites in the market by using a unique colour palette. We also wanted to choose colours that would compliment, but not detract from, the beautiful photography on the website.