Magazine Design

Since early 2023, we’ve been designing the TMM The Mortgage Mag for Tarawera Publishing

It aims to deliver accurate, unbiased editorial providing news, views and statistical data on mortgage advice.

The magazine is primarily an A4-sized physical magazine, but it also available online.

INDUSTRY: FInancial Advice

Project Details

Financial Advice

Each year, there are five – six issues published.

The design focuses on making the magazine easy to read – through a three column layout, and predominantly a white background with black lettering. Mortgage advice is all about people – so we try to make sure we have as many faces in there to connect with the target audience –  mortgage advisers.
When people shots aren’t appropriate, we work to make the information easier to consume through the careful design & selection of Illustrations and images to support the editorial.
Envy Web And Design Rotorua Magazine Design For Mortgage Advisers

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