Logo Design - FemmeWell

FemmeWell is an online health and wellness shop, to source natural healthcare and designed specifically for women.

Focused on women’s hormones and fertility, FemmeWell is for women of all ages – whether they are dealing with infertility, perimenopause, menopause, or are looking for other women’s health advice. 

INDUSTRY: Women's Health & Wellness

Project Details

Women's Health & Wellness

For FemmeWell, we created a logo that felt calming, organic and would connect with the female audience. 

The typography we selected is a clean and simple serif font – in a mix of regular and italics style. The font feels modern but timeless; as well as feminine. A horizontal layout is used as this works best on websites – which will be its primary application. As the company is predominantly online, the primary logo is the wordmark. The use of lower case makes the brand accessible and friendly, and by making the f and w italics, this helps separate out the two words.

A range of variations and sub-marks were also created using a natural herb as an iconographic style – similar illustrations could be used in marketing & design.

Until the website is built on 2025, a simple landing page has been created.

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