Serving authentic Mexican food, made entirely from scratch, Paloma Taqueria is now an established part of the Wanaka food scene, and wanted a website redesign and refresh to reflect this.
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The key things that stood out to us were their vivid colour palette of red, pink and yellow (this originally also included a muted green colour, but for clarity and impact we omitted this from the new website design), amazing photographs, and the use of arches in their restaurant design.
Their printed menu (and previous website design) also featured the font used in their logo for headings. A key part of the brief from Paloma Taqueria owner Sarah, was that the website needed to feel classier. This font, when used in the website, presented a more simplistic feel than we were after – so we swapped it out for a serif font.
To reflect the prominent archways in the interior design of the restaurant, we created images in arch shapes throughout the website design. Also interspersing these colour-blocked sections featuring arch-shaped images, with large full-width image sections to highlight the stunning photography they provided.
We created a strong tagline to open the website – “Wānaka’s authentic Mexican food, made entirely from scratch.”
We also rewrote the introductory section, then added a section each for the food menu, drinks menu, and a call to action to book. Meta content throughout the website was also changed for improved SEO and to reflect the changed branding.
We also added a contact page, so that the Book Now page could focus solely on gathering bookings – making the UI much simpler for customers. A custom 404 page was also made, featuring some clever language to create a positive & on-brand user experience, even in the face of an error page.
For the menu page, we made it easier for users to browse the menu by reducing the number of tabs used. There is now one for the food menu, and one for the drinks menu. The items are then all listed, so customers can easily scroll through to preview the menu.