
Aquair are HVAC Mechanical Services Engineers based in Napier in the Hawkes Bay.

With a passion for excellence and a commitment to delivering cutting-edge technologies, they take pride in being a leading force in the New Zealand industry, and a great resource for the Hawkes Bay as well as the wider central North Island.

They are experts at creating comfortable & healthy indoor environments, with a focus on environmental considerations, including minimising energy consumption.

Project Details


First we worked on the copywriting for the website, to ensure that the words used would reflect their company values, aspirations as well as appeal to their target market.

From there, we created the design. We worked from their existing logo and branding style – which was blue and grey. This inspired a clean and fresh website design, with a simple sans serif font and images that conveyed a personal approach. We wanted both the words and images to show that it is all about the client and the people that will inhabit the spaces Aquair works on.

We wanted the design to feel timeless and modern- and used various shades of blue along with clear icons to convey information in a crisp and professional way.

Aquair Web Design Hawkes Bay Professional Heating Ventilation Air Conditional And Cooling Engineering Services Website Envy Web Design

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